The most frequent question we get from our cat owners is, “Why is my urine temperature so low?” Our cats produce a lower quantity and quality of urine when they are suffering from illness. In addition, cats are also more prone to heat stroke. A cooler body temperature coupled with a decreased number of hormones in the urine help the cat to conserve energy. When urine stays at a lower temperature for an extended period of time it can turn greenish or brown in color.
Why is my urine temperature so low? Urine is considered a true hormone when it is evaporated, because it contains the hormone insulin. If the body stays at a lower temperature for too long, then the level of insulin in the urine starts to decline, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, the urine can actually turn black! In some cases, a cat’s urine may even turn black and toxic when it is stored for an extended period of time. When the cat’s body is not properly cleaned and the pH of the urine is alkaline (or in some cases acidic) the toxins start to build up inside the body.
When the body is unable to eliminate waste products effectively, toxins are left in the urine. Excessive amounts of these toxins can result in a number of health problems including bladder stones, kidney stones, and certain types of cancers. Over-cleansing can also result in the cat developing kidney stones and prostate problems. It is important to maintain a regular urine pH balance, which can be easily achieved if you keep your cat’s litter box clean by using a pH neutral cleaning solution.
A cat that is consistently dehydrated will also produce an abundant amount of urine, which is the opposite of a properly hydrated cat. To avoid this condition, you should supply your cat with plenty of water throughout the day. Water is essential for hydrating the cat’s skin, maintaining hydration of the urinary tract, and cleaning the urine from its coat. If your cat has access to clean water, it will be easier to cleanse its urine and prevent the occurrence of kidney stones or other serious medical conditions. If your cat does not have access to clean water at all, you should provide it with a clean water bowl and increase the amount of water it gets each day until it is properly hydrated.
Another question you may have is, “Why is my urine temperature so low?” If your cat has not been properly conditioned (he doesn’t know how warm or cold it is), it will struggle to regulate its body temperature. The end result is that the cat will sometimes warm up to unexpected temperatures (which is why cats sweat). If this happens on a regular basis, you will need to take steps to quickly condition your cat.
One method to reduce the cat’s ability to cool down too much is to gradually introduce new items into its drinking water. Start with just one item a day. You can slowly add more as your cat becomes accustomed to its new flavor. Another technique is to slowly increase the distance between you when you feed your cat. This will minimize the amount of time the cat has to walk back home to the litter box.
If neither of these two techniques works, the third option is to use an antiperspirant spray. Since most cats will not lick or drink after they have sprayed themselves, this will effectively keep the cat’s urine from evaporating too quickly. You can also try putting a cup of apple cider vinegar in your cat’s drinking water to dilute the urine a bit.
If none of these methods work, the fourth option is to use a prescription antiperspirant you can buy at the store. These are typically quite effective and do not usually cause unpleasant side effects in cats. Your veterinarian may be able to recommend a brand of antiperspirant that he could test for you to see if it would be better for your cat, although you should always check with him before trying any type of treatment for your cat.